Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What are You Waiting For?

Above: Andrew waits for someone to distribute
presents at our Family "Thanksgivemas" last week.

Adam had to wait for God to create a companion for him.
Noah had to wait over a century while he built the ark for the rains to come.
He had to wait for the water to recede once the rain stopped.
After not waiting for God, Abraham finally waited for God to provide and heir.
Jacob waited to see if Esau was still angry.
David waited for Saul's reign to end before taking power.
Elijah waited in caves for the Lord to speak.
Israel and Judah waited for the Messiah to come.

What are you and I waiting for? Spiritually we are waiting for Christ to return so that we can be with Him eternally (1 Thess 4:13ff; 2 Pet 3:10-15).

BTW:  We need to learn this concept of waiting and apply it to our temporal life.  I can wait to make that purchase until I can afford it.  You can wait for sexual intimacy as a part of marriage.  I can have patience with you and with myself as we individually and collectively mature in Christ (1 Thess 5:14).



Tim Archer said...

It's interesting to me to note that the word "wait" and the word "hope" are the same in the original biblical languages. To wait is to hope. We have hope because of what/whom we are waiting for.

Grace and peace,
Tim Archer

Scott said...

Thanks for the observation, "To wait is to hope."