Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Not me; the blog.  I am still working with the Church of Christ in Parrish, Alabama and have no plans to move - in fact, the elders warned me not to be looking :-). However, beginning  today, May 12, 2010 all new posts (and hopefully all archives) for The Morning Drive will move to WordPress.  The blog will still be The Morning Drive but with a new location .  Please make note of this change and redo (renew) subscriptions, rss feeds, and blogrolls accordingly.  When you stop by take a look a the archives.

Blogger has been a good starting place for me for the last year plus, but it is time to move on.  WordPress offers a cleaner page and a few extras that I think I am going to like.

I will keep this blogger account open for sometime in case I want a secondary blog ;-)


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