Thursday, August 6, 2009

Six Step Evangelism

On the back leaf of my Bible there is a six step plan of evangelism. I wrote it down while taking notes on a sermon delivered by one of my mentors and instructors, the late Wendell Winkler. Here is what I wrote:

  1. Make a list of five prospects. Prospects can relatives, co-workers, friends, people you contact daily.
  2. Pray for them daily. Pray for their health, pray that the door of opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with them will be opened and that you will recognize that open door.
  3. Underline the most receptive person on your prospect list.
  4. Set aside one evening a week to set-up and conduct studies.
  5. Approach the underlined prospect and study with them if they are willing.
  6. Add a new name to the list.
Give it a try!
